In recent years, studies have shown that water is a limited resource with an expiration date. According to the United Nations, by 2050, only 60% of global demand will be met, which will increase by 55% compared to the current level. Most of the population is unaware of the problem of water scarcity, both at the individual level and in the industrial fabric. This is why it is so important to raise awareness of the efficient use of water.

The value of water goes beyond its price, it is used in homes, industry, health, agriculture. Without water, life would not exist. That is why on March 22 we celebrate and remember the importance of water.

Efficient water use is everyone’s responsibility

In addition to the growth in demand, climate change also plays a very important role, not only influencing the quantity of water available but also its quality.

Our awareness-raising work is very important to us, and that is why we develop products that not only help you save water but also make you aware of what you have managed to save and how you use it. In this way, we promote more sustainable and environmentally friendly habits and improve resource management for efficient water use.

In our sustainability section, you will see how WAISENSE is committed to efficiency and positive impacts on the environment.